Saeko Murakami

Saeko Murakami loves nature, for example, pine tree, moss, spring water, and mineral. She usually works in the field of classic music, and gets a lot of inspiration from them.
In 2010 she graduated from Kunitachi college of music in Tokyo, and she was awarded 3rd prize in the 20th Japan classic Competition. From then she has worked as a trainer in several amateur orchestra.
One of her highlight performances was the Saint-Seans cello concerto no.1 in 2018 with the Kokubunji Philharmonie Orchestra. Also she continues to performing Bach’s suites for cello every year. Last one is no.6, maybe coming soon...
Since breaking her wrist, she incorporates Alexander techniques and Feldenkrais method, and interested in the comfortable way of cello techniques.
Her policy is “Everything is Ok !”
- 8月03日(土)スタジオ ヴィルトゥオージ
- 11月23日(金)府中の森芸術劇場